Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The beginning.

        Today marks the very beginning of a new era in my life. Inspired by, but not wholly for the benefit of a post/contest within a certain reddit community, I have determined that I should better myself, in both body and mind.

        This will start with the measurements of a single month. That month will be May of 2013.

        My means to better myself are somewhat simple. I shall exercise my body in whatever means I can on a daily basis, be it push ups, jobbing, cycling or some other thing. I intend to get the new physical I need done, so that come the new semester in the fall I may use the universities lifting gym. I will get into a healthy and powerful condition. I will be strong, very strong, as I was for a year in high school. And I will do this only for myself, so that I may live happy and healthy and feel confident about myself. My progress will be listed by weight and will be accompanied with pictures at the beginning and end, and during should there be a stark enough change to document.

        My mind I will enhance in many ways. The main avenues will be literature, both in the creation and partaking there of. Reading, a recent friend of my in the past few years will be getting far more common visits from me than I have been able to afford for some time. On a daily basis in fact, I shall read some piece of a novel or comic or skill manual. This will be done for hopefully a minimum of an hour a day. My progress will be updated via Goodreads as means of proof for of my finished readings, along with musings of some sort on the reading that has been done.

       My writing too shall be brought back into common practice. Having completed nearly sixty thousand words on a novel before this semester, I can hardly excuse myself should I not finish it. While I cannot leave means of progress for that novel, or the other less worked scifi novel I have started since they will be published under a pen-name, I will leave musings on what I have written or thoughts I have come to in the process of that days writing. I shall also strongly consider starting a new project that I have no issue self-publishing under my real name, so that progress could be left here. In any case, I will be writing daily, both on my works and here even if it is just a small amount.

       Further means to better myself will be less regimented. My internship that starts right after the semester gets out will be a way to build my skills for theater, my career path. While this is something I was going to be doing anyway, I feel discussing it here is perfectly valid as it is a means of bettering myself, though I will not make it a main topic, as doing so would feel like cheating. I shall also be doing my best to work on my photography, both in just getting out and shooting and also building on my skills.

       Other potential betterment activities might be working in radio if I can during the summer, working on building some language skills perhaps through Rosetta Stone, and trying to work on my drawing skills. I have found a freeish-form radio station near where my internship is, and will be sending them a request for a weekly show either today or tomorrow. I hope to keep it true to the Blazing SuperNova that I host while at college. I have never been good at learning a foreign language, or even my native one when learning to read, but I have always wanted to speak something else. Italian is the language I hope to learn first. And my artistic skills have always been sorely lacking. I hope to teach myself to draw, so that I can simply enjoy myself while creating art, and also so I may hopefully start a webcomic I have had in my head for years.

       Things are going to be interesting indeed. Time is always tight, and this is all starting right as finals are beginning. The first third of this month will be competing with my studies. But I have always done best with more to do than less, so I am sure I will be able to make it. I suppose I take it as a challenge when there is too much to do to get it all done.

       Anyway, must run, there is theater to do. Best of luck to all those at RAoA who are joining me in this betterment month.


  1. Good luck! I love reading. It is my go-to summer activity. You should post some excerpts from your book. It would be awesome to read! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Wow, you have a ton of goals set for yourself! I believe in you :) This is a great contest, because we're all going to end up winners--maybe we won't have a gift, but we'll feel awesome about ourselves!
